After adjusting other potential confounders (age, sex, region, HIV, past history of TB treatment), patients “receiving support†had 80% higher chance of initiating treatment when compared to patients “not receiving supportâ€. Among those initiated on treatment (n = 261), median (IQR) time to initiate treatment was 38 (20, 76) days: 31 (18, 50) among patients “receiving support†and 50 (26,101) among patients “not receiving supportâ€. Results Of 456 patients, 57% initiated treatment: 64% and 56% among patients “receiving support (n = 208)†and “not receiving support (n = 228)†respectively (CBMDR-TBC status was not known in 20 (4%) patients due to missing diagnosis dates). Cox proportional hazards regression (censored on ) was done to identify predictors of treatment initiation. Methods In this cohort study (involving record review) of all diagnosed MDR- TB between January 2015 and June 2016 in project townships, CBMDR-TBC status was categorized as “receiving support†if date of project initiation in patient’s township was before the date of diagnosis and “not receiving supportâ€, if otherwise. Objectives To assess whether CBMDR-TBC project’s support improved treatment initiation. for 4 months) were provided to the patient as a pre- treatment support. Each township had a project nurse exclusively for MDR- TB and 30 USD per month (max. Patients with MDR- TB diagnosed/registered under NTP received support through the project staff, in addition to the routine domiciliary care provided by NTP staff. Shewade, Hemant Deepak Kyaw, Nang Thu Thu Thein, Saw Si Thu, Aung Kyaw, Khine Wut Yee Aye, Nyein Nyein Phyo, Aye Mon Maung, Htet Myet Win Soe, Kyaw Thu Aung, Si Thuīackground The Union in collaboration with national TB programme (NTP) started the community-based MDR- TB care (CBMDR-TBC) project in 33 townships of upper Myanmar to improve treatment initiation and treatment adherence. Our simple validated mortality prognostic scoring system can be a practical tool for health professionals in identifying TB/HIV co-infected patients with high mortality risk.Ĭommunity-based MDR- TB care project improves treatment initiation in patients diagnosed with MDR- TB in Myanmar The model had good discrimination and calibration (AUC = 0.82 0.80 in bootstrap validation), and a non-significant Hosmer-Lemeshow test p = 0.71. TB treatment outcome was significantly associated with age at diagnosis (p=01), ARV treatment (p 25 points). In bivariate analysis, drug resistant status was significantly associated with year of TB diagnosis (p=0.001) viral load (p=0.03). Chi-square and logistical regression were performed to understand factors associated with drug resistant TB status and TB treatment outcome.

Cohort study using data were provided by the Kazakhstan Ministry of Health's National Tuberculosis Program for 20.

This paper presents findings related to TB treatment outcome and drug resistant status among people coinfected with HIV and TB in Kazakhstan. TB drug resistance poses a serious threat to the public health of Kazakhstan. Mishkin, Kathryn Alaei, Kamiar Alikeyeva, Elmira Paynter, Christopher Aringazina, Altyn Alaei, Arash The association between ARV and TB drug resistance on TB treatment outcome among Kazakh TB/HIV patients.